Physics Science Fair Projects
Matter, Energy, Motion and Force

Physics science fair projects are interesting and exciting to perform, as physics is a subject all about the very nature of matter, energy, motion and force. Grasping an understanding physics is useful nearly in every path of life, whether it is base jumping, architecture, driving a car, playing baseball or opening a can.

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Physics has laws we can apply to the world around us such as the law of conservation of momentum. This law is often demonstrated by the use of a Newton’s cradle, but it can be seen in so many other situations. Another law quite similar to this is the law of the conservation of
angular momentum. This law helps describe what is happening when a gyroscope seems to be defying gravity. Even though we have a strong foundation in physics there is still much to learn about the very world we live in. Physics science fair projects can explore the mysteries of matter,
energy, motion and force using the knowledge of the past to acquire knowledge for the future.

It doesn’t matter if you are doing elementary science fair projects or high school physics science fair projects. You can still design a physics experiment that is fun, interesting, and original. For
some ideas have a look below, let it inspire you and use them to get your inner Einstein fired up.

These physics projects, to get your thinking process started:

What material is the best at absorbing an impact?

Use a Newton's cradle and put the material you want to test between two of the middle steel bearings. Make sure that all your materials are the same thickness so that your independent variable is the material. Measure the amount of distance the ball swings out this can be done
with a ruler and a moveable block keep moving the block until the bearing just touches it. This will give you your distance.

Ideas for materials to use:

  • Wood
  • Blue-tac (moulding putty)
  • Iron/ copper
  • Plastic
  • Rubber

How does a basketball’s pressure affect how it bounces?

Basket ball
  1. Pump up a ball so it is at its recommended pressure, this will be your control. 
  2. Then over inflate it to a safe level and then under inflate it.
  3. Drop the ball from your shoulder height and then watch how high it bounces back make sure you record both heights. 

Then make a conclusion about the results of your physics science fair projects.

What is the best insulator?

In this experiment you compare how good different materials are at insulating hot water. You will need glass jars all the same thickness and shape. To perform this experiment, wrap all of the jars in the materials that you wish to test and fill them with hot water. Make sure you record the temperature of the water and make sure it’s the same in each jar. Then return in an hour’s time and measure the temperatures and record them. Use an un-insulated jar as your control.

Materials you could possibly use. (Make sure they all have the same thickness when wrapped around the jars)

  • Cardboard
  • Wool
  • Paper
  • Aluminium foil
  • Cotton cloth (tea towel)
  • Clay

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